Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 - TM37-305 - The WWII, Military, Typewriter Repair Manual

My wife just gave this to me, an early birthday present! She loves me!!

It has a lot of great material on some of the more obscure aspects of what I'd call "typewriter tuning." Also covers many brands of standard machine, including; Underwood, L.C. Smith, Remington, Woodstock.

*UPDATE* 4/1/2014:
There is an online version available here:

This manual is printed single-sided, which was a little off-putting at first, but then I realized that it will be great for note taking.

I do not know where my wife found it, nor how much it cost, but I am sure that an inquisitive soul will be able to locate it just like she did.

Best of luck, and Happy Typing!