Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25, 2014 - "The impossible pursuit of the perfect typewriter"


  1. The pursuit of The Perfect Typewriter continues to motivate me, and it's so much fun that I hope I never succeed.

    1. I think that comment echoes my feelings, exactly!

  2. Just get a Royal Aristocrat, problem solved!

    1. So this is interesting, Mark. You have requirement that is puzzling to me, because we clearly don't share all of the same criteria for what makes a very good or exceptional typer. I agree that the Aristocrat is great for feel, and reliability. It leaves me wanting though. For a portable, it is outstanding. On ergonomics + "features" it drops a little on my list. I guess it depends what you want to accomplish. Sometimes I want as much "bang for the buck" as possible - tabs, easy-use paper support, good paper feed, great/weighty feel but speedy, ease of margin change, visibility of type, quick & responsive back space (located in the CORRECT place ;-) ), etc. I think this subject needs a follow up post, there's just too much to talk about.
