Sunday, September 7, 2014

7 September 2014 - 1939 Remington Noiseless Model 10

The Noiseless "grasshopper legs" Note how few type slugs are visible!
Trying to work the ribbon into place in this tight space is quite a trick

The paper bale in typing position. Note that there are two rollers that hold the paper to the platen.

Centering Scale

The brown haze on everything - some rust, some smoke, some grime. 
What is left of the branding decals on the back


  1. So much want to compare this to the model "11", "Noisy" Noiseless I have.

    1. Sure, would love to side-by-side them some time. We should take them to a coffee shop nearby :-)

    2. Since arranging a meet-up is so easy...

  2. Thanks Brian. I have spotted these in very good condition occasionally and not-bad prices. I'd wondered what the nubbin on top of the type bar cover was - and now I know.

    1. Thanks, Rob. I had always wondered too. It seems pretty strange. even knowing what it's for, because it seems so outlandish to have the paper bale flipped out there like that. I think it was a design after thought that someone threw in at the last minute because there is also no scale on the carriage, like on so many machines. You almost forget about how goofy it is while you're typing because it is kind of nice ............... almost. :-)

  3. Thanks for this post Brian. The Noiseless 10 is a grand, though largely unsung machine. Robust, weighty, thoughtful, amazingly well engineered. I love the uppercut-jab motion of the typebars which have 2 letters (both caps and small) on each one. Just thinking about the mechanics of that makes me happy. Mine is from 1938, and, though harshly used, worked well without any cleaning or adjustment. Indeed, if I cleaned it I would probably learn to love it more. And, like Rob, I never thought about the role played by the nubbin (thank you for the apt word, Rob!).

    PS Sorry if you received a post from me before. I tried to post previously but it suddenly vanished and I got routed around to try a second time.

    Rob in NYC

    1. Thanks, Rob. I didn't know anything about the machine in particular when we found it, we were interested because my youngest son has a Rem. noiseless 7 portable, and that type system had me fascinated - I had no idea how much more fascinating this machine would be. Yes, the 4 character "multiplexed" (my word) typeslugs is just short of amazing. So complex, but like your experience, although neglected and abused, it worked without any effort on my part.
      Cool stuff!
